
Padang is a city in West Sumatra, Indonesia which has a world-renowned culinary culture. Exploring the unique culinary delights of West Sumatra is usually the main objective of tourists visiting the city of Padang. However, apart from offering various places to indulge in local culinary, Padang also has beautiful beaches that are worth visiting. One of the beaches known for its beautiful nature is Air Manis Beach. Air Manis Beach is also popular because of the various activities it offers, such as surfing and camping. Moreover, what makes the beach a constant tourist attraction is that it is home to a legend that has been part of local culture for generations.

At first sight, the whitish brown sand that stretches along the beach and the calming sea view is what makes the Air Manis Beach so appealing. This view is quite Instagrammable so it is not surprising that many tourists use this beach to capture special moments.

Visitors can walk along the beach while enjoying the waves. The tranquility of the beach accompanied by gentle winds and rolling waves provides a relaxed atmosphere that refreshes the mind, especially while viewing a stunning sunset or sunrise.

Because of its consistent waves, Air Manis Beach is also popular with surfers, in fact, surfing competitions have even been held on this beach. Just a reminder that the waves are high enough for surfing, which means you need to be careful when swimming on this beach. On a lighter note, surfing and related equipment can be purchased or rented near the beach. Motorboat and ATV rentals are also available for tourists who want to explore the coast further or cross to the surrounding small islands. This is especially suitable for those who like adventure and want to see more of the nature around the beach.

The beach in Padang is also a popular location for camping enthusiasts. The beach has various facilities to support a comfortable environment, such as a large parking area and beach roof umbrellas.

There are even many food stalls serving a variety of local dishes near the beach. There is also a restaurant that provides grilled fish, kapau rice, and other dishes, as well as snacks. You can enjoy local culinary delights while enjoying the view.

Another thing that makes Air Manis Beach quite popular among tourists is that there are several accommodations around the beach. They are managed by the local community at quite affordable rates.

What’s even more interesting is that Air Manis Beach is home to a folklore known as the Malin Kundang legend. There is a stone statue in the shape of a person bowing down, which the local community calls Malin Kundang—a boy who was cursed to become a stone by his mother for being disobedient. According to legend, there was a boy who left home and worked hard and was successful in other cities, but became arrogant and disowned his poor mother when he returned to his hometown. The embittered mother then prayed that her child would be cursed and turned into a stone. The stone statue of Malin Kundang and the wreckage of his ship can be seen on this beach.

Even though the Malin Kundang stone is increasingly eroded by sea water and has undergone several repairs, the attraction of this legend remains strong as tourists are curious to see the stone. This story, which is very popular among the people, adds to the historical value of this beach.

The islands around Air Manis Beach are also interesting to explore. Not far from the beach, there is Pisang Kecil Island, a small, uninhabited island known for its tranquility and natural beauty, and tall coconut trees. From the beach, visitors can walk to Pisang Island when the sea water is low.

Air Manis Beach is located in South Padang District in the subdistrict of Air Manis, city of Padang, West Sumatra Province. The location is approximately 10 km south of the center of Padang, behind Mount Padang. Not to worry for those who are not traveling by car, there are various public transportation available. The road to this beach can be passed by two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles.

Ketaping Airport (Wikipedia)

If you are traveling from Ketaping Airport, you can use public transportation on the route to Air Manis Beach; travel time is around 30 minutes. One option is the Trans Padang bus which passes through the Lubuk Buaya-Pasar Raya area and Jalan Raya Teluk Bayur. After arriving at the Air Manis Beach intersection, you can take a public minibus or motorbike taxi. If you are using your own vehicle, reaching the beach is quite easy as there are directions along the road to Air Manis Beach.

Air Manis Beach’s operating hours are 09.00–17.00 every day. The entrance ticket price to the beach is around IDR 10,000 per person. Private cars are also charged IDR 10,000. However, it’s best to check the latest rates first.

With its various attractions and ease of accommodation as well as access, Air Manis Beach is a place that should be on your bucket list when visiting the city of Padang. So when in Padang, immediately schedule your trip to Air Manis Beach to get that remarkable experience.

Co-written by Vino Hadiz

Translated by Liza Hadiz

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CNN Indonesia (2024) Jelajah Jalur Sumatera 2024: Pantai Air Manis, Pesona Alam dan Legenda Malin Kundang yang Abadi. [19 May 2024].

Ratih Apriliana (2024) ‘PANTAI AIR MANIS Padang Tiket & Daya Tarik Mei 2024.’ TravelsPromo [19 May 2024].

Wikipedia (2023) Pantai Air Manis. [16 May 2024].

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